Contact Us
Durham County Badger Group - Please email for postal address
Occasionally we have technical issues and if you don't receive a pretty quick response please let the Secretary know on or the Chairman Paul Truby (
It would be unlucky for both both to go down at the same time!
Paul Truby - Chairman - 07868 522154
Lesley Johnson - Secretary & Planning Officer - 07963818252
When to Contact Us
Please send us any information on road traffic accident deaths, sett updates, suspected illegal snare positions, other deaths. Please include a OS grid reference Or W3W). Photos would be useful.
Please report information about any individuals, vehicles, dogs etc you believe may be involved in badger baiting, or any wildlife crime to the police or CrimeStoppers. You may also contact us confidentially, along with the Badger Trust or NatureWatch Foundation.
If you are interested in joining the Group, getting involved in our activities and support our objectives we would be pleased to hear from you.
If you your group would like a talk about badgers please also get in touch. We may ask for a small donation to cover travelling expenses.
If you require any advice or information relating to badgers please also get in touch.